June Long Weekend Breakfast & Lunch at Mountain Ridge Winery
10jun(jun 10)11:30 am11(jun 11)3:00 pmJune Long Weekend Breakfast & Lunch at Mountain Ridge Winery

Join us for the June Long Weekend showcasing Mountain Ridge wines and locally sourced produce and live music. Saturday’s live music will be Cherry Mamalade
Join us for the June Long Weekend showcasing Mountain Ridge wines and locally sourced produce and live music. Saturday’s live music will be Cherry Mamalade and Sunday enjoy listening to Sam Young
Enjoy breakfast and lunch at Mountain Ridge Wines with our wonderful live artists performing throughout lunch. Wine Tastings are available 11am-3pm over this Long Weekend. Book online to secure your table or tasting.
Keep an eye out for the Menu on Facebook and Instagram.
Bookings essential
Discounts available to Wine Club Members.
10 (Saturday) 11:30 am - 11 (Sunday) 3:00 pm
Mountain Ridge Wines Cellar Door & Restaurant
11 Coolangatta Road, Coolangatta NSW 2535